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Geliştirici: Latestly Media Private Limited

The official LatestLY app is the definitive destination for trending stories across categories like India, World News, Politics, Sports, Cricket, Entertainment, Bollywood, Lifestyle, Technology, Automobile, etc.

LatestLY curates, presents and shares breaking and trending stories from India and across the world, catering to the fast-paced, dynamic needs of the readers.

The app also hosts a series of in-depth, long-form articles by in-house domain experts and guest columnists along with short-form quick information pieces around the latest trends for daily consumption. It is a multi-format news app tailor made for the millennial who wants to keep up with the times.

Key Features of LatestLY App –

· Alert notifications for instant updates and breaking news

· LIVE Cricket Scorecard for all ongoing Cricket series of 2018

· A rich photo, video and audio content that will change the way you experience news and share your opinions

· Ease of sharing articles, videos, audio commentary and slideshows using WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Emails, SMS & other social media platforms

· Free to download